It’s felt a force that is put into the development of a modern city with a 1000-year history. (Alu Alkhanov)

Articles:: Monuments of Elabuga city

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"Devil’s fort" - of Elabuga fortress

Stone tower of Elabuga fortress, the so-called “Devil’s fort”, – is the memorial to Bulgarian culture of ?-XIV centuries. It is placed on high cape at the outfall of river Toyma. Ruined remains of Bulgarian fortress-mosque, placed here, date to the XI century, not later. .

Belfry of Alexander Nevski

Belfry of Alexander Nevsky (1876-77) was built with the money of merchant F. P. Girbasov on the place of former Cathedral of the Saviour. It is a small centric building with bevelled corners

Intercession Cathedral

The church was erected contemporarily with the foundation of village Trehsvyatskoe in 1570s by the will of Tsar Ivan IV. In XVII century, nearby, a church of the Prophet Elijah was built. In 1798 ramshackle Intercession church was demolished, and in 1799 on its place a small stone chapel was constructed. It remained up till now and is the oldest building of Elabuga.

Japanese cemetery in Elabuga

Prison camp appeared in Elabuga at the end of 1941. Here captive Germans, Austrians, Italians, Hungarians, Romanians and Croats were sent, and since 1945 – the Japanese. Severe wounds became lethal for many of them.

Kazan- Mother of God women’s conven

Women’s convent (1868) was founded with the money of merchant I.I. Staheev. Architect G.A. Bosse erected monastic buildings. In 1857-1868 in the centre of convent main monastic temple in honour of Kazan icon of Mother of God appeared.

Monument to Bekhterev

First monument in Russia to outstanding scientist-neuropathologist, organizer and manager of Psychoneurological Institute and Institute of human brain in St. Petersburgh, Vladimir Bekhterev, was opened on January 26, 2007 in the town Elabuga.

Monument to buzzer and postman

One of new Elabuga monuments is a sculptural composition that represent full-length a buzzer and postman, made of bronze and placed on the oldest Elabuga street. Sculptural composition “Buzzer and postman” is the unique in the world. It is devoted to workers of communications field

Monument to cavalry-girl Durova N.A.

Elabuga is lucky for famous people. Undoubtedly, one of them is the cavalry-girl Nadezhda Andreevna Durova. Monument to her was placed on the cemetery in October 1901.

Monument to maecenas and writer D.I. Stakheev.

In October 2003 in Elabuga, in front of the century building of Elabuga State Teachers Training University (ESTTU, the former women’s diocesan school), opening of monument to D.I. Staheev, famous Elabuga writer, maecenas and entrepreneur,

Monument to samovar in Elabuga

Elabuga is an extraordinary city, almost every year new monuments appear here. In December 2008 an interesting monument to samovar was opened – this indispensable attribute of age-old ceremony of tea drinking.

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