It’s felt a force that is put into the development of a modern city with a 1000-year history. (Alu Alkhanov)

Articles:: Known people of Elabuga city

Bekhterev Vladimir Mihaylovich

On January 20, 1857 (in the old style) in village Sarali of Elabuga district, Vyatka province, in the family of a civil servant Vladimir Bekhterev was born – he was one of the first and most prominent psychologists in Russia, neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist, a man who has once again proved the truth of M.V. Lomonosov words that “Russian land may give birth to own Platos and Nevtons with quick mind”.

Durova Nadezhda Andreevna

Durova Nadezhda Andreevna was born on September 17, 1783 (and not on 1789 or 1790 as her biographers usually state referring to her “Notes”) from the marriage of hussar captain Durov and daughter of Ukrainian landowner Alexandrovich, who married him against the will of parents.

Feat of comrade Durova

When Durova took military service, she passed short-term courses of recruit training – skill in handling lances, march on the parade ground, ride. And less that intro three months – in June 1807 – cavalry-girl participated in first in her life battle in Eastern Prussia – at Gutshadt: “Our regiment went to attack several times, not together but separately by squadrons.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich

Elabuga is lucky that here, on bent going down to river Toyma, Shishkin’s family has settled down. We will tell you about one of its most famous representatives – Ivan Ivanovych.

Shishkin was born on January 13, 1832 in Elabuga – a small provincial town placed on high Kama bank. Sensitive, curious, gifted boy found an indispensable friend in his father. Not rich merchant, I.V. Shishkin was a man of versatile knowledge. He implanted interest for antiquities, nature, reading books in his son, encouraging love to painting that awoke early.

Stakheevs dynast in the Elabuga

Stakheevs are an ancient dynasty. According to legend, they escaped to Kama after capture of Novgorod by Ivan III, who brutally crushed the northern Russian freebooters and executed Novgorod governor's wife Martha Boretskaya with her sons. Stakheevs founded on Elabuga land a powerful merchant dynasty. They carried grain and goods on ships along Volga River, built railways, owned gold mines, oil fields, factories and plants, mills and hundreds of stores across the country, traded with Britain, France, Germany and other countries.

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna was born on September 26 (October 8, old Style), 1892, in Moscow family. Marina’s father – I. V. Tsvetaev – professor and art historian, founder of Moscow Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, mother – M. A. Mayne (died in 1906), a pianist, apprentice of A. G. Rubinstein, grandfather of stepbrother and stepsister – historian D.I. Ilovaisky.